

Kamil Sumera

Altlight is a company led by Kamil Sumera. Since 2012 he has been managing technological projects in the field of, among others, 3D printing, medicine and Internet of Things. He is also a co-founder of Clinic Development and First 11.

The company has created a system for managing the smart home called Altlight, which operates on Bluetooth and Thread radio interfaces. It does not require extended control units, which usually are a significant part of the budget for home automation. Instead, the new technology uses phones or tablets – they manage the network and lighting inside the building and allow the user to modify the settings from anywhere.

The idea of ​​Altlight solutions was born out of the need to fill the gap in the automation of intelligent home management. The system creators noticed that the products available did not combine all the features desired by consumers: simplicity of operation, good quality, reasonable price, easy control of bills and devices.

The Altlight system has many convenient options, is really easy to use and intuitive. It also does not increase costs, but saves money – by measuring 6 important power parameters, you can control your energy bills.
Some of the money from the INNOventure investment has already been used for laboratory equipment and design work on devices. Thanks to them Altlight is ready to manufacture the pilot batch of the system. The developers are also working on new versions of devices.