Portfolio of promising investments
MedTech, IoT, AI
INNOventure is an investment fund managed by Marcin Bielówka and Marcin Molo. It aims to support innovative scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs in developing and commercializing their projects. INNOventure supplies the initial capital, connects the founders with experienced professionals to provide mentorship, and helps to develop the projects so they are attractive to customers and next round investors.
The capital comes from a combination of public and private funds - INNOventure cooperates with several partners to supply funds for further development. The fund has invested in several science-based technology projects that emphasize R&D. Projects supported by INNOventure’s managing team have gained hundreds of millions EUR from investments, grants, and IPOs, eg. Synerise, Sidly, Poltreg, SDS Optic.
Investments in enterprises in the early stages of development, conducted by specialized organizations (venture capital funds). As a result of the i...
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