Optimo Light
Optimo Light (formely Optical Electronics Sp. z o. o.) was founded in February 2016. It develops innovative technology for remote measurement of illuminance. It created autonomous and intelligent sockets based on the OptiMo control module, which adjust the value of illuminance to the conditions of external sunlight, the character of surroundings and the presence of people at the workplace. They are intended for office, industrial and commercial buildings. They maintain the level of light in accordance with the applicable standards, and also ensure optimization of energy consumption.
The heart of Optimo Light is the OptiMo control module. It, by controlling the power supply, maintains the light intensity at a fixed level, depending on the additional sources of light (daylight or artificial) or its absence. Interestingly, the accuracy of the measurement is so high that the module reacts even to change in the color of the desk. The device is also equipped with a human presence sensor that intelligently adjusts the working time of the lamp socket to the real needs of employees.
What are the benefits of Optimo Light technology? It helps to save energy, which is consumed only in the amount that is needed to provide the appropriate level of lighting. Integration of the measurement of light intensity with the lighting system, which until now was only possible in laboratory conditions, can now appear in every office building and shopping center.
The INNOventure investment will enable the company to carry out further R&D works that will allow the product development and introduction of new functionalities to the sockets. Currently, the developers are working on the ability to collect and process data from the OptiMo module sensors. The knowledge gained this way will allow to optimize the consumption of other utilities in workspaces, and even better use of work surfaces.
The creators of the project are Michał Zaród (originator and president of the board) and Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Bernacki (head of R&D department). Their method of remote measurement of lighting intensity has already been patented with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.