Submit your project or download and complete the application form, then send it to: Form_PL_EN Step 1/4 About the founder Market and competition Project description Contact The message is being sent... Project name* Founder and team* *founder’s name. If applicable, also the partners, authors of the technology, team members – state their role in the project, competencies, experience and equity contribution (in cash or in kind). Legal form* *if the company has been already registered Describe the need or problem you are aiming to solve and the proposed method of solving it* *describe the technology. How does it differ favourably from technologies used to solve the same problem in your country and worldwide? What is the competitive advantage of your solution? How have you protected your intellectual property? Market and competitors* *how big is the market? Does it grow, stagnate of shrink? Name your competitors and the companies that sell the substitutes of your product. Compare their solutions to yours. Describe the competitive advantages of your project and explain why it is attractive* *what are the key success factors of the project? On what assumptions have you based your assessment of project attractiveness? How have you verified those assumptions? Business model* *what are the potential ways to commercialize your R&D project? What will be the sources of income? How will you reach the customers? What is your sales and marketing plan? What will be the communication and distribution channels? How do you picture your relations with the stakeholders? Origin of the project, stage of development, work already done, assets already acquired, schedule of the future developments* *what is the origin of the project? What works have you already done? What is the technology readiness level? What assets have you already acquired? How much time is needed to complete the R&D process and start the commercialization? What milestones have you defined in this process? Weaknesses and threats* *what external and internal risks could result in project failure? Project finance so far* *what are the project expenses so far? How have you financed them? (In particular report any public funding the project has received) Capital needs and your initial investment proposal* *how much capital is needed? Is tranched investment acceptable? How will invested funds be used to increase project value? What is your initial investment proposal? First name* Last name* Company/organization* Address* Telephone number* E-mail address* I consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the GDPR and accept the terms of use Back Next step Send