

Dariusz Adamczyk
Mateusz Karcz

EXON is a technology company operating in the field of the Business Internet of Things. It introduces the latest technologies for commerce under the Synati brand. It offers enterprises a comprehensive service that facilitates collecting and processing data about the behavior of their clients or potential clients in the area of ​​commercial or service outlets. Proprietary hardware solutions and software developed in the cloud enabled the acquisition of over 500 clients within two years. The company’s products are available in 9 countries (including Saudi Arabia and Dubai) and the visitor statistics system has been implemented in showrooms or sales points of such prestigious companies as Apple, Samsung, InCreo, Puma, UPS and many others.
Mateusz Karcz (vice-president) says: “Our company is already a significant manufacturer of electronic devices on the Polish market in the B2B retail sector. Intelligent algorithms allow us to quickly analyze data in real time, and open API offers unlimited possibilities of integration and expansion of functionality. Synati’s ambition is to be, by the year 2020, the largest B2B-IoT platform analyzing data from wireless sensor networks and to achieve the status of the European market leader, providing remote control of the surroundings and real-time data analysis based on real-time cloud computing.

The project has quite interesting history. In 2014, the founders took part in the “Startup Mixer” competition organized by Business Link, where they presented the solutions they have already developed along with a business plan. The result of their efforts was to obtain 200,000 zlotys for the development of an online platform capable of providing statistics of visits and real-time data of the number of visitors in any location. In May 2015, the company took part in a competition at the National Stadium, where it was ranked in the top six of 51 companies from all over Poland, resulting in a trip to London as part of the Ready To Go program. During that trip, the original IoT platform was presented and appreciated by one of the biggest accelerators in London – The Bakery. In November 2015, during “speed dating” event at Venture Day in Gdansk, Samsung expressed its interest. The same month the company took part in IT Future Expo in Wroclaw, which resulted in the first business contracts. Currently, the company is conducting business negotiations aimed at the acquisition of business partners in the United Kingdom, and plans to establish a branch there.

As part of the R&D project financed by INNOventure, the company develops and plans to implement a unique solution in terms of efficiency and price competitiveness for advanced traffic analysis in ​​commercial facilities. The unique combination of proprietary hardware solutions with effective algorithms in the planned Synati platform will open a range of applications in the area of ​​solutions in Click & Buy, Proximity Marketing, Interactive Tourism, Digital Signage and Augmented Reality.