Our new investment – Misje3000
– “In the era of globalization and the worldwide expansion of the Internet, the language barrier is still a significant obstacle in cross-border contacts. Existing translation solutions have many limitations related to price, quality and the threat to privacy and intellectual property rights to the translated texts. We need technical solutions that will enable translations at reasonable prices and in high quality, ” – says Marcin Bielówka, the president of INNOventure, commenting on the fund’s investment in Misje3000.
The Misje3000 team consists of experienced specialists in the field of IT, in particular translations and machine-based semantic text processing, financing the development of R&D projects and their commercialization as well as user interfaces and user experience. The team has developed and is currently implementing a promising solution based on social training of neural networks in translation skills. The project is based on a community of people who sell, buy and improve multilingual content. Their participation in the comunity benefits all the parties. A large, stable community drives the training of the system and improves the quality of translations, which in turn affects the development of the community. This well-thought-out business model means that the project is not just a technological novelty, but an R&D solution with a serious commercial potential.
More information about the company can be found in our portfolio entry.